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Kim Min-Woo : card 2021 rare 48

nb Owners GW rewards $ money
in GW
10 Durm 43 7 4 £188.47 £135.68
9 The Theatre of Dreams 0 0 0 £0.00 direct_offer
8 gxyscholes 0 0 0 £0.00 direct_offer
7 The Theatre of Dreams 0 0 0 £0.00 £73.81
6 Ronalzilio 0 0 0 £0.00 £89.71-17.72%
5 mnew347 0 0 0 £0.00 £89.09+0.7%
4 Favero @SIT (fast reply) - TRADE 5 0 0 £0.00 direct_offer
3 Raffo1504 trader (fast response) 9 0 1 £3.22 direct_offer
2 Favero @SIT (fast reply) - TRADE 5 0 0 £0.00 direct_offer
1 Raffo1504 trader (fast response) 9 0 1 £3.22 auction